About us.

In the heart of The Louding Voice Empowerment Foundation


In the heart of The Louding Voice Empowerment Foundation

lies a profound narrative inspired by the pages of “The Girl with the Louding Voice.” Our foundation stands as a testament to the belief that education can be the beacon of change for girls trapped in the shadows of domestic labor and gender-based violence in Nigeria.

How We Achieve Our Mission

Educational Scholarships

Providing comprehensive support for school fees, supplies, and uniforms.

Community Outreach

 Engaging with local communities to foster awareness about the transformative power of education and gender equality.


Collaborating with like-minded organizations and individuals to amplify our collective impact.

Join us in rewriting the stories of Amina and countless others. Together, we can break the cycle and pave the way for a future where every girl’s potential is unleashed.

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